Keep Kids in School


Missed the school bus; stayed up too late overslept; no one got me up; didn't stay at my house last night; no way to get to school; our car broke down; we were out of town; mom got a new job and isn't home in the mornings, angry with the school; angry with the teacher; afraid of a student; don’t understand the work; have something else I would rather be doing; unaddressed medical needs; vacation; just don’t like school; they don’t like me…..


Mission Statement

 Bright Hopes, Inc. is a non-profit community organization organized to implement projects that stimulate improved school attendance of students in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. 



Vision Statement   

Bright Hopes, Inc. working to reduce Charlotte Mecklenburg school absences by 50%

Keep Kids Learning

Spark Good Campaign

Give back by rounding up your change and donating the remainder to us when you shop on or the Walmart app. 

Learn more at


Keep kids learning:  ISS

(In school suspension)

These students need a little more.  Bright Hopes, working to reduce learning loss and keep kids in school.

No Is Not a Bad Word: A children's picture story book that encourages children to accept the response No and to go to bed on time is available by providing a donation of $7.00 plus handling fee. Click on “Our Village” in Site Navigation.

"Keep Kids Learning" It takes a village!






"A Big Thank You" to our supporters.  We could not do this needed work without you!                                            


Hungry Kids for the Holidays

Holidays are enjoyable for most of us. For many community kids, no school means no guaranteed meals. Hunger is real right here in our community.